Child birth (Emergency Delivery)

Signs of Emergency Child Birth

  • Very strong contractions, 2 to 3 minutes apart
  • Water bag or the amniotic fluid has broken
  • An urge to push down the baby
  • The woman says the birth will happen very soon
  • A bit of blood running from the vagina

What To Do

1. Call for an ambulance or have someone else call.
2. Place a plastic sheet or towel or paper sheets and help the woman lie down with her back supported by a pillow and her legs apart.
3. Let the woman decide which position is comfortable for her.
4. Reassure the mother that help is on the way. There is usually enough of time to get to the hospital or get help.
5. Keep the mother at rest, and tell her to try to stop pushing with each contraction and slow the baby’s progress down to the birth canal.

If medical professionals or a midwife has not yet arrived and the baby’s head is already visible in the vagina opening, assist the mother, as the birth is about to happen very soon. Do not try to deliver the baby, the birth will naturally happen without intervention. Your role is to comfort and assist the mother.

1. Wash your hands and use disposable gloves if available.
2. Do not pull the baby’s head. Let the woman push the baby out. Encourage the woman to push.
3. Assist the baby by supporting the head and shoulders. Do not pull the baby.
4. Be extra careful as the baby is slippery. Gently wipe off the membrane coverings from the mouth and nose with a clean cloth.
5. Give the baby to the mother and do not remove the coating from the baby’s body.
6. Support the mother as she delivers the afterbirth. Keep the placenta and the umbilical cord intact, do not cut the cord.

If there is severe pain or bleeding, treat for shock. Help the mother to lie down and raise her legs and keep her warm.